Unveiling the Icon
On May 31, 2008, the Iconic Monstrance of Our Lady of The Sign, The Ark of Mercy will be unveiled to a worldwide audience on EWTN. Directly following this historic event, the Mercy Festival will begin after the 5 pm Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: a week of 24 hr adoration in the main Church beginning on May 31st and ending on June 8th at 3pm.
The Iconic Monstrance is a true work of the Holy Spirit in union with Our Lady, and it has taken nine years to be born from prayer and faithful sacrifice as documented in the spiritual diary of Fr. Anthony Bus, A Mother's Plea. Nine years, the Blessed Mother, in union with the Trinity has prepared for the beginning of the spiritual mission of the Iconic Monstrance. What signal graces is she preparing for all those who will come to adore her Son, now that the Monstrance is here?
Will you come and adore her Son during this week long Festival of Mercy?
Our Lady is asking you to come and adore her Son, can you come and spend one hour with Jesus?
The Sanctuary of The Divine Mercy needs 300 people to fill all the available slots for the 2008 Mercy Festival.
People are coming from all over the world to be part of this historic event, to marvel at the work of the Holy Spirit.
Do not stand on the sidelines, enter the drama, and register today for an open adoration slot during the Festival of Mercy.
For more information please visit: www.aMothersPlea.org
Or click here to register for an adoration slot: http://mercyfestival2008.eventbrite.com/