But, it keeps getting nominated for Book Awards. "Heavenly City" has been nominated for a Midwest Book Award. I am completely biassed in its favor, but for an independent publisher, such as LTP, this is one slick book. It does not look like a brochure you find at a tourist site, rather a grand celebration of artistic and architectural tradition.
Richard John Neuhaus likes it too.
Would the publishers of that book consider a companion volume, featuring the churches of the Saint Louis, Missouri area? In my humble opinion, dozens here are highly photoworthy, most especially our Cathedral.
Would you have a list of, say, 50 Churches in the StL diocese that are architecturally noteworthy?
I've visited and photographed about 40 and I can think of many more that I find interesting, but haven't gotten around to visiting yet. This doesn't include those off of the beaten track, which I may not be aware of. The Dioceses right across the Mississippi River have a large number also, and the older among them were originally under the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, which once covered half of the United States.
Click on my website and look at the sidebar for a list of churhes I've visited. The quality of the photos is variable due to my learning to master my camera and software.
I haven't visited many that are of the Modern style, out of personal preference; however, there are a few prominent Modern designs in the Archdiocese, including the Benedictine monastery.
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