There is a wealth of information about Motu Proprio on the web that is worthwhile.
1) For technical details: Try the New Liturgical Movement at http://thenewliturgicalmovement.blogspot.com/ Sean Tribe's smart blog about the Liturgy.
2) For a serious look at how to implement Traditional Latin Mass, the Institute of Christ the King website is excellent.
3) For some high-spirited commentary and enthusiasm, Matt's Holy Whapping Blog is tops
4) For some occasionaly amusing logo'd items It's Better in Latin is out there a bit.
5) Fr. Philips and the Society of St. John Cantius is one awesome place for the Latin Rite. The website is not up to date, but the Mass is timeless.
My own take:
1) More sacramental delivery is good. The Latin Mass pulls people into the Church and connects with the long history of the Church via the Eucharist. Hugely positive effect.
2) The buildout and logistic operation of the pre-1933 physical church is setup for the Roman Rite. Churches look better when built at designed. The post 1933 church, especially the post 1967 church could use a re-arrangement. Now is a good time to make Churches look like Churches rather than grocery store or bombsites.
3) The mainstream press is a dumb and divisive organization. There really needs to be little controversy stirred up over the Motu Proprio, as most places have Latin Masses as it is. As Msgr. Schmitz explains, the Latin Mass is a Liberalization and very Orthodox Liturgy, contrary to the press condemnation of it as a Conservative throwback. UPDATE: Fr. Neuhas also shows the Liturgical Liberalism of the current Pope in First Things.
4) The unpleasant blog posts about the Archdiocese of Chicago website not mentioning the Motu Proprio are also uncalled for. The Archdiocese of Chicago has been a great supporter of the Latin Mass at St. John Cantius, The Institute of Christ the King, and at St. James in Highwood for many years. I would expect little change necessary in the Archdiocese of Chicago to further support the Latin Mass, as it is already supported quite well, with a top notch group of clergy and institutions. Besides...the poster the Archdiocese is promoting looks really nice, and it looks like it has my book photos on it.
6) The only time I ever met with a Cardinal at the Vatican, he asked me what people in Chicago thought of the Latin Mass. I told him about St. John Cantius, and the way they brought out over 750 people (on Election Night) for a truly awesome All Saints Day mass. He said "Good, I think we should just allow the Latin Mass. It has worked for 2000 years, why not now?"
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