Sunday, August 06, 2006

In reverence to and honor of the Chapel at Convent of the Sacred Heart

Please join with The Society of St. Barbara in saying this prayer daily, seeking God's providence for keeping his holy works in a sacramental condition. We pray for the Chapel at the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Barat College

"August Queen of Heaven, sovereign Mistress of the Angels, though, who from the beginning hast received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly implore thee, to send they holy legions so that under thy command and by they power, they may drive the devils away, everywhere fight them subduing their boldness, and thrust them down into the abyss.
Who is like unto God?
O good and tender Mother, thou willst always be our love and our hope.
O Mother of God, send thy holy Angels to defend me and drive far away from me the cruel enemy.

Holy Angels and Archangels defend us, keep us.

Indulgenced by St. Pius X on 8 July 1908. Original text from the prayer
dictated by Our Lady to Fathe rCestac on 13 January 1864. via Institute of Christ the King

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